Last Friday, I was in the #dreamOle18 event in Barcelona with my teammates of Blackbird.

The day started with a opening keynote of Holly Firestone, director of community of @salesforce.

After this amazing opening we were in our stand showing to the people interested what is Blackbird and what we do. We also exploit the occasion to know new people related with Salesforce which work in other companies such as FinancialForce, Copado Solutions or NTS.

During the morning, there was some amazing sessions made by Salesforce MVPs around the world which came to the event.

After lunch, it was turn to the demoJam. All the companies registered in the demojam had the opportunity to show what they do with a presentation of 3 minutes presented by the incredible Joshua Hoskins.

Then, the sessions continued. I had the pleasure to assist to two of these sessions: the first one "FROM ZERO TO CI IN 30 MINUTES" given by Christian Szandor Knapp and the second one "HIGHLY EFFECTIVE IMPLEMENTATION TEAMS" given by Fabrice Cathala.

Then, Zayne Turner, a Lead Developer Envangelist @salesforce made the closing keynote with an inspirational and useful speech about what was innovation and what not. After appreciate the work done by the Dreamole team, the event closed with an after party.

My opinion

Going to #dreamole18 was super worth it. It was a nice experience because I could know more people related with Salesforce and assist to some sessions made by MVP Salesforce developers and administrators. Moreover, I could see what other enterprises are building with Salesforce.

Last but not least, it was super nice to have won the demoJam with Blackbird. All of us, we are doing our best everyday and for that event, the team did an excellent job and an incredible exposition which allowed us to won that contest.