User login system
These days, I've been working in a project called user login system made included in the course "Learn NodeJS by Building 10 Projects".
DreamOlé18, my experience
Last Friday, I was in the #dreamOle18 event in Barcelona with my teammates of Blackbird.
Discovering Vue.js. Opinions?
It has been a long time since my last post, but I was focused on university tasks. However, now in one of the subjects I "should" start studying jQuery. I know a bit about jQuery, so I don't want to lose my time and I have decided to study Vue.js basics.
What is Conga Composer?
Conga composer is a tool which makes document generation easy and accurate. With Conga composer we are able to merge our data into templates in order to improve our document automation in Salesforce.
Conga Composer, common problems with solutions
In my previous post, I gave a general idea about Conga Composer and each of the elements that composed this merge process.